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Types of protection...

Also known as ‘Mortgage life cover’ or ‘Mortgage protection.’ It is specifically designed to pay off your remaining mortgage balance should the worst happen.

Income protection is a form of insurance that pays out a monthly income in the event of long-term sickness or disability.

Simply put, critical illness cover is a policy that pays a lump sum following the diagnosis of a specific illness / disease that is covered under the policy.

Mortgage Life Insurance

How does mortgage life insurance work?

Also known as ‘Mortgage life cover’ or ‘Mortgage protection.’ It is a policy designed specifically to pay off any outstanding Mortgage amount in the event of your death. Leaving your loved one’s debt free and stress free.

We believe that if you are going to take out a mortgage on something as important as your home, then it is just as important to protect it.

How much mortgage insurance do i need?

The amount of Mortgage protection will depend on your Mortgage amount. Our trained advisors can work with you do design an affordable plan to suit your needs.

Usually speaking, the amount of protection you have will decrease in line with the repayment of your mortgage.

Income Protection

How does income protection insurance work?

Income protection is a form of insurance that pays out a monthly income in the event of long-term sickness or disability. It can pay out until you can return back to work or until you retire.


  • Our qualified advisors will work with you to decide on your required income protection benefit. Taking into consideration any sick pay provided by your employer, the nature of your work and the present state of your health.
  • We will source the most appropriate and the most competitive insurer for your specific needs and circumstances.
  • Once you have been accepted by your chosen insurer, your policy will be up and running and you will commence to pay the monthly Premiums.
  • In the event of an illness and subject to your claim being accepted by your insurer and your deferral period, they will start paying out your agreed Monthly Payments for the agreed term. This allows you the time to recover without stressing about the bills.

How much income protection do i need?

This will depend on your needs and affordability. Generally, you can only apply for a Maximum of 60% of your Salary with some providers covering a maximum salary of £150,000.

Our Qualified Advisors can help handcraft the best Income protection plan to suit you.

Is income protection tax deductible uk?

Yes, in some circumstances income protection can be tax deductible. This means you could claim the premiums paid as an expense in your HMRC accounts.

Is income protection benefit tax free?

The amount that is payable to you each month by the insurer (income protection benefit) will be completely tax free.

Critical Illness Insurance

While more people are surviving the big 3 (cancer, heart attack & stroke) they will still always need time off work to get back to their feet.

What does a critical illness policy cover?

Simply put a critical illness policy is a policy that pays the claimant a lump sum. This is following the diagnosis of a specific illness / disease covered under the policy. Allowing them to ease themselves back into the world of work without having to use up their hard-earned savings.

Some providers cover up to 40 different conditions, but the list below are some of the main conditions usually covered;

  • Heart Attack

  • Cancer

  • Stroke

  • Kidney failure

  • Multiple sclerosis


What is Life & Critical illness insurance?

A life & Critical illness policy can pay out to a claimant in the event of death or Critical illness, which ever happens first, after which the policy terminates.

However, there are Life & Critical policies which can pay out on diagnosis of Critical illness and also then pay out in the event of death


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