Portfolio Landlord

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What is a Portfolio Landlord or Buy to Let Portfolio Landlord?

Firstly, a Portfolio Landlord is any individual with 4 or more Mortgaged Buy to Let properties. These properties can be owned in Sole or Joint names. Also by a Company of which the applicant is a Director or Shareholder.

When a Portfolio Landlord applies for a Buy to let Remortgage or Mortgage his application will be assessed under different rules and criteria to a normal Buy to Let Mortgage.

What is a Portfolio Landlord Mortgage?

A Portfolio Mortgage is the equally the same as a normal Buy to Let Mortgage. However just designed for Portfolio Landlords and classed as a Specialist Mortgage

What can a Portfolio Landlord Mortgage be used for?

Generally these Mortgages are used to purchase a variety of properties. Such as:

Portfolio Landlord Lenders

As this is a specialist area, not all Lenders will lend to Portfolio Landlords. However there is increased interest in this section of the market and Buy to let property investing. It is undoubtedly becoming an acceptable part of peoples investment strategy. Therefore there are still many Lenders from high street, online and the specialist market.

Nonetheless, all of these Lenders will have their own rules, criteria for lending and methods of assessing a borrower’s suitability for a mortgage. 

Specific Requirements:

Then add this to market rates and prices changing on a week-to-week basis.

Consequently, trying to find your best Portfolio Landlord Mortgage is a tiring and time-consuming task.

Bearing all the above in mind, it would be impractical to list what we consider to be the ‘best’ Lenders for Portfolio Landlords. It is more of what the “best Portfolio Mortgage Lender “ for your circumstances and needs .

Expert Tip

Buy-to-Let Landlords have been bombarded with new legislation over the past few years, clearly designed to ensure Landlords:

  • Do not become over-committed financially.
  • Operate within the Local Council guidelines
  • Act within the latest Health & Safety legislation

It’s vital to get reliable, expert advice when entering into any Portfolio Mortgage agreements.

Being Specialist Mortgage Brokers we have a broad overview of the market, in-depth knowledge of specialist lenders. This combined with software that gives us the latest rates, allows us  to quickly understand your specific application and identify the right lender for your property purchase.

What information do Portfolio Mortgage lenders ask for?

The information requested is the same as a normal Buy to Let with a few additions:

How do I build my Buy to Let Portfolio?

As with all investments it starts with the purchase of your first property. Secondly, when you have enough money saved for a further deposit you can buy your second property.

Furthermore, if over the years your properties have increased in value, you could Remortgage them to raise deposit for new purchases.

We can advise you on how to build your Buy to Let Portfolio.

Why Us
our Mortgage Butler service
  • Help you to collate all of the documents you will need to apply for a mortgage

  • Complete and submit your application

  • Handle all the enquiries by the Mortgage Lender

  • Liaise with your Estate Agent

  • Help you to nominate a good & competitive solicitors

  • Work with all the parties to get you to Mortgage completion

  • Keep in touch with you on a yearly basis and help with your future needs

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*Most buy-to-let mortgages are not regulated by the financial conduct authority*